Excerpts from the score of Maybe Today, Maybe Tomorrow

Maybe Today, Maybe Tomorrow… (2023) written and directed by Trevor Siegel

Director’s Statement:

Maybe Today, Maybe Tomorrow… is a film borne out of one of my most palpable fears: being involved in a school shooting. When I was ten years old, the Sandy Hook Elementary dominated the news cycle and stood at the forefront of my young mind. Ever since then, I have often found myself nervously looking towards the door of a classroom, worrying that I might be next. I also frequently have wondered if and how my memory would be remembered if I was taken in such a way. For years, I did not know how to verbalize such fears, but then I remembered the one language I know better than any other: cinema.

As I crafted this film, I felt it was important to make clear the devastation such attacks can wrought upon those who remain. After all, these acts of violence may only last for a few minutes, yet the continuing impact of such events have palpable reverberations. As such, I wanted to focus on the effects trauma can have when said trauma has become a commonality within our society.

I made explicitly sure that violence is not shown in this film, as it is the psychological effects of violence I am interested in examining. In order to capture the sense of uncertainty, trauma, and loss that comes after such a horrendous event, I chose to film this project through many long takes and an equal focus on empty and filled space. In doing so, I hope to make the audience feel the same way as the characters do, which is that someone is clearly missing.

I hope you find as much value as I do in this film's message. Made solely by students of Columbia University, Maybe Today, Maybe Tomorrow… represents a generation frightened, angered, and numbed by a form of violence that seems to only be growing more and more normalized in the country we call home.”

— Trevor Siegel